Note: “Possession” was the working title for Pawns of Zier. It’s that time of year when you realize that yes, a whole year did pass
Category: Reading and Books
Bookworms: Out of chocolate
I love it when I find those really engrossing books, like Foxy in this image. 🙂
Stepping into a book
Do you ever wish you could spend time inside your favorite books? Step into that other world for real, and meet all your favorite characters?
Gorgeous characters
Note: “Possession” was the working title for Pawns of Zier. It struck me the other day just how many characters in books are gorgeous and
6 ways to find the book you’re craving
Sometimes I get a craving for a specific kind of book, but don’t have anything on hand. For example, I want to read a meaty
Bookworms: To read or not to read…
A Bookworms image with Cheetah I made a while back. Who can get enough of reading? 🙂
Does age change the reading experience?
Have you ever reread a favorite book from your childhood? Well, I recently reread one of mine, C.S. Lewis’s Narnia novel, The Horse and His
The worst writing advice I ever received
If you’ve ever thought about writing and intrepidly googled writing advice, chances are you got a whole lot of hits. Writing seems to be a
Why reading is creative
I think everyone can agree that writing is a creative endeavor, but so, I think, is reading. That’s because the book only comes alive inside
Choose-your-own-adventure erotica
I’ve been following the news of the about-to-be-released choose-your-own adventure erotic novel with interest. Will it work? Well, I for one am really curious! I